A Sense of Belonging is Connected to Happiness

People Crave to Have a Sense of Belonging
A sense of belonging is a human need, just like the need for food and shelter. Having a sense of belonging gives people meaning and contributes to people's happiness. We believe the feeling of belonging brings people joy and helps people make sense out of difficult situations. Without a sense of belonging, people can feel lonely and lost.
Finding a Sense of Belonging in Surprising Places
When we first joined Six Figure Mentors, we had to idea what to expect. We trusted our intuition and jumped in with both feet. Soon, we were surprised to discover a community of people with similar values and interests where we immediately felt a sense of belonging.
A Sense of Belonging Starts From the Same Place
In our experience, a sense of belonging begins when people share similar values. Whether people connect with one other person, or a much larger group the basis is the same, values align. Without values alignment relationships simply won’t work, in the long-term anyway.
Shared Values Bond Us Together
We met people from all over the world who wanted the same things out of life that we did. People, similar to us, who were willing to take a leap of faith into the unknown to make positive changes in their lives.
It’s Easy to Get Below the Surface
When values align getting to know someone faster and better happens more quickly. Small talk happens less. Before the world changed, we attended a Brand Incubator workshop. This workshop began with 40 strangers coming together for a common purpose. With a goal to understand our online businesses and ourselves better as digital entrepreneurs, we began a three day journey of discovery. By lunch time on the first day, strangers had already bonded. In just hours many friendships were beginning to form.
Not All Strangers Are Created Equal
One of the leaders, said something that stays with us today. If we had met 40 random strangers at the airport, we would not have bonded so quickly. Because we all had similar values, that brought us to one place, the opportunity for building trust and developing relationships was very high.
Experience the Sense of Belonging For Yourself
We believe when you get involved in the Six Figure Mentor community you will experience a strong sense of belonging. Unlike traditional business where people can be territorial and competitive, in our experience the people we’ve met in the community are collaborative and helpful.
Take Some Time to Share What’s On Your Mind
Once you decide to commit to your online journey and become a member, join us on our Mastermind call where you will meet other people, just like you within the community. Every second Tuesday, you can join us to ask questions and share what's on your mind.
Please reach out any time.
Adrienne and Bob

Adrienne & Bob
We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.