Are You Staying on the Sidelines or Engaging?

Focusing on What's Really Important
As we continue to wrestle with isolation and an uncertain future, it seems people continue to think about what’s really important. Perhaps this helps to balance and perhaps counteract all the uncertainty that surrounds us. Focusing on what’s important is a stabilizing force that allows us to remain grounded during these crazy times.
The Gift of Meaningful Conversation
In a previous video we spoke about how we are creating meaningful experiences from Zoom calls. We are spending regular quality time with family members we might, if we were lucky only see once a year. Discussing common themes on Zoom has given us all an opportunity to get to know one another on a much deeper level. Every call has been a gift.
We Are All Being Asked to Stretch in Unimaginable Ways
Survival today is about being nimble and accepting change. Change provides an opportunity to step-up. The ability to adapt to changing conditions rather than returning to status quo is necessary. Leaders are being called to lead differently and create an engaged work culture of employees who work remotely.
Often pulled in many directions, parents are being asked to not only provide for their children, but educate them as well. This is stretching families in unimaginable ways. We are all being asked to step-up.

Creative Solutions in Tough Times
One of our daughters came up with a creative solution. The older sister by five years has been tasked with tutoring her younger sister. This has created sibling dynamics never before experienced. During a reading lesson, the younger sister stomped off and threw her book out the door. The older sister must then become creative to entice her sister back. A feat beyond her years, yet she is making it happen. Again these times are requiring us to matter how old!
Remember That Comfort Zone?
The point is, we are all being asked to do things we never imagined. This crisis is pushing most people so far out of their comfort zones, that comfortable feeling is a distant memory. As Roy T Bennet says “Step out of your comfort zone. Comfort zones, where your unrealized dreams are buried, are the enemies of achievement. Leadership begins when you step outside your comfort zone.” Step-up and out of your comfort zone!

Everything is Accelerating in This Time
Gone is the luxury of time, where businesses can map out a digital strategy over 1-3 years. As a result of this crisis companies are having to roll out their strategy in a matter of weeks or days. In a recent McKinsey article In one European survey, about 70 percent of executives from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland said the pandemic is likely to accelerate the pace of their digital transformation.
Leaders Are Engaging Differently Than They Were Pre-COVID
Leaders are being given a choice to stay on the sidelines or engage. If they choose to engage they must decide if they lead or follow. Because people are feeling vulnerable leaders in this time of crisis are being called to be more empathetic. Collective unity and a new sense of belonging is being fostered like never before by making decisions aligned with values and purpose.
When All This is Over We Won't Be the Same ..... We'll Be Better
As people we are focusing on what’s important. Leaders are attempting to engage people by focusing on common values and purpose. All of us are being forced to step-up and get out of our comfort zone and that’s where life really starts anyway….we believe when we get to the other side of this difficult time, the world will be a better place.
Is It Your Time?
Is it time for you to step-up, embrace change and get off the sidelines? Click here and check out this opportunity that will allow you to do just that! You will learn the skills necessary to thrive in these changing times. Educate yourself so you can be nimble and maneuver whatever this global world has in store.
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We look forward to hearing from you.
Adrienne and Bob

Adrienne & Bob
We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.