Ask Yourself ~ Maintain Status Quo Yes or No? - Wake the Fun Up

Ask Yourself ~ Maintain Status Quo Yes or No?

Is Maintaining Status Quo the Best Answer?

Maintaining status quo means keeping things the way they are. This seems like the best choice, until it isn’t. Most people will avoid change at all cost. Keeping things the same is the easiest thing to do, or is it? Only you can decide.

It’s Your Choice to Maintain or Challenge The Status Quo

As we get older, we realize it's important to keep our minds sharp. This happens in many ways. Accepting and embracing change has had a positive impact. Embracing change has forced us to tackle a steep learning curve. Learning new skills and gaining knowledge is keeping our minds active every day. 

Benefits to Challenging Yourself 

We see people our age spending time doing crosswords to keep their minds sharp.  These are people who are maintaining status quo. As we age, doing a crossword is supposed to be good for challenging the mind. An article in BrainHQ says this is a myth. Crosswords improve ability to find words, but aren’t challenging enough to keep brains sharp. 

Staying Current in These Changing Times

Starting an online business has challenged us. Because we are challenged our brains are forced to work. Because we are challenging status quo and staying current, we believe this is good for our health. As a result of this challenge we enthusiastically look forward to every day.

Online Business Continues to Grow 

Also, we are energized by change. Change keeps us paying attention. Besides members within the Six Figure Mentor community, we don’t know anyone who has started an online business. Because of this, we believe in the magnitude of opportunity with online business in this digital era.

Embrace Change or Be Left Behind

Because of these changing times, online business is growing exponentially. Online business is becoming the norm.  Many people will be left wondering what happened. In a recent Digital Commerce article U.S. online sales for September increased 43% year over year, reaching $60.4 billion, according to Adobe Analytics. This growth was just above August’s online sales growth, which increased 42% year over year. 

Most People Want to Maintain Status Quo

When we first started our online business we didn’t tell people. The world is full of naysayers who prefer to maintain status quo. Keeping things the way things are makes people feel comfortable and safe. Pushing boundaries causes people to question their own choices. Because that's uncomfortable, most people would rather have things stay the same.

The Days of Maintaining Status Quo Are Gone!

Because change is happening faster than ever before, keeping things the same isn't an option. Lately change has been forced upon us in ways we didn't imagine. These days, it’s harder to maintain status quo.

Embrace Change and Benefit From It

Good news! It's possible to benefit from change instead of fearing it. Click here to start your online journey. Maintain status quo or challenge it? The choice is yours. 

Please reach out anytime. We always enjoy hearing from you.

Adrienne and Bob

Adrienne and Bob Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

Adrienne & Bob

We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.