Five Leadership Disciplines For Affiliate Marketers

Online Leaders do five things that set them a part from others. There are so many similarities between online and traditional business. We will explore the five disciplines and how you can apply them to your business and live a life you have always imagined.
- Visualization
- Income Producing Activities
- Invest in Yourself
- Mastermind with other Leaders
- Learn - Do - Teach
1) Visualization
Imagine your ideal day in your ideal life. Try to connect with your senses as you visualize. What are you seeing? What are you hearing? What are people saying? How are you feeling? What do your surroundings look like? The more detail you can connect to your picture of your ideal day, the more invested your subconscious will become to help move you closer to achieving your goals.
Visualization is the first step and then you need to take action. Functioning like a beacon, visualization helps keep you focused on your goals and on track. Visualization works when it is combined with action.
2) Income Producing Activities
Make something happen that generates revenue every day. Six Figure Mentors suggests 80% of time is dedicated to revenue generation and remaining 20% to learning.
Similar to when I was in the insurance business 75% of those who started quit and therefore they didn't give themselves a chance to be successful. Those 75% who quit were both smart and capable of success. The main reason 75% of the people did not make it was because they didn't trust the process, have the patience or do revenue producing activities every day.
Filling the pipeline or in other words building your list of followers is the # 1 challenge for those of us in affiliate marketing. The reality is, It is similar to making sales calls in the traditional business world with one major difference - we make our calls through our laptop and the internet by blogging and creating videos as seen on our YouTube channel. In both traditional business and online business, it goes right back to the basics - Is this someone you like and trust?
The learning curve was steep and we learned something new every day. Leadership is committing to the discipline of meeting our own deadlines. Creating two blogs and 1 video every week requires daily action and discipline. We control our own destiny and potential for success.
3) Invest in Yourself
Learning new skills requires time, commitment and the courage to get way outside the comfort zone. We changed our daily habits, watched less TV and reallocated time to learning and growing. It was daunting at first and sometimes we would get discouraged.
At times like these we connected with the community of like minded people who were all on the same journey, all willing to help us on ours. Our dream of time and financial freedom kept us moving forward.
4) Mastermind With Other Leaders
It was the extensive educational programs and the dynamic global community that attracted us to Six Figure Mentors. Our values aligned. As mentioned in the Six Figure Mentor website; The core value of SFM is we want to bring online marketing success within the reach of anyone who has the courage to step out of the status quo (your financial security in the hands of an employer) and the drive to create a life on their own terms. All you’ll need is a working computer, a decent internet connection and the commitment to achieving your goals.
SFM hold regular online meetings. These meetings are moderated by successful online marketing professionals who have achieved time and financial freedom through their online business. We are learning from successful digital entrepreneurs who are working and traveling all over the world. It's inspiring!
5) Learn - Do - Teach
We heard again and again that learning to be online affiliate marketers takes passion, patience, courage, discipline, determination and a willingness to learn new skills. We believe it. Like learning to drive a car, learning any new skill requires all of the above. "Learn" 20% of the time and "Do" income producing activities 80% of time. Income producing activities can sometimes be a little scary and can take us way outside our comfort zone.
The founders of Six Figure Mentors (SFM) and the entrepreneurial members of the community are genuinely interested in teaching and helping others in their online journey. Adrienne and I enjoy giving back and helping others grow their online business.
“Meaningful income” for us is about helping others achieve their dreams. It is a privilege for us to have the opportunity to share, give back and help others become successful.
Suggested Readings For Your Journey
Six Figure Mentors suggested we read The Secret. The Secret reveals amazing real life stories of regular people who have changed their lives in profound ways. By applying The Secret they present instances of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles and achieving what many would regard as impossible.
Another suggested reading by Six Figure Mentors is The Power of Now by author Eckhart Tolle. The book has helped countless people around the globe awaken to the spiritual dimension in their lives, find inner peace, increased joy and more harmonious relationships.
We encourage you to take some time invest in yourself, watch the 7 free videos and please subscribe to our Youtube Channel at
We look forward to joining you on your online journey.

Adrienne & Bob
We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.