Five Steps to Finding Your Spark
What are the Five Steps to Find Your Spark?
Simon Sinek shares 5 guidelines to find your spark. We thought these 5 steps are worth sharing because they are aligned with what it takes to start and run an online business.
Step number One
Go after things you want.
Simon Sinek says there are two types of people, those who see what they want and those who see the things that prevent them from getting what they want. When people start an online business there are obstacles along the way. Success happens when people learn to break through the obstacles to find a solution.
Step number Two
Sometimes we’re the problem.
Take credit when things go well and responsibility when they don’t. At Six Figure Mentors (SFM), we learn from people in the trenches and that’s what keeps us up to date with this ever changing digital world. Ultimately though, your business is your responsibility.
Step Number Three
Take care of each other.
Traditional business is competitive. People will climb over others to advance up the corporate ladder. Refreshingly, the business culture within Six Figure Mentors is collaborative. In the digital era businesses touch people globally and there is more than enough business for everyone.
Step Number Four
Always sit in a circle and be last to speak.
This is a rule Nelson Mandela learned from his father. People feel heard this way. The webinars and mastermind groups that we attend with Six Figure Mentors (SFM ) are collaborative where everyone helps one another. The Six Figure Mentor community is built on a foundation of collaboration.
Step Number Five
As you gain fame and fortune remain humble and grateful.
The leaders at Six Figure Mentors demonstrate both humility and gratitude. This is what attracted us to Six Figure Mentors. The leaders know starting and running an online business is a journey that takes commitment and dedication.
Celebrate Successes Along the Way
You will gain knowledge along the way and you will feel a sense of accomplishment every time you learn something new, figure something out or get your first sale. Remember to celebrate the little successes along the way.
Please reach out to us so we can learn what brought you to this place.
Looking forward to connecting again by video on Wednesday.
Bye for now!
Adrienne and Bob