Golf and Online Business - Wake the Fun Up

What Golf and Online Business Have in Common

Wally, Adrienne and I are here at the driving range - practicing to be better golfers. Wally has just asked a great question.  "Is SFM a Scam?"

My answer is "No....SFM is not a scam."

This question comes up often because there's a lot of questionable, get rich quick stuff out there online.  Since we are at the driving range I can answer this question with a golf analogy. A person who is currently shooting 110 comes into the Pro Shop and asks the Pro for the most expensive set of golf clubs because he wants to shoot 80.

Here is the scam - the Pro sells this individual an expensive set of golf clubs and sends the golfer on his way with the golfer now expecting to shoot 80. This individual believes these expensive golf clubs will make his dream of having a lower golf score come true.

 An ethical Golf Pro would have said save your money.

  • Get some lessons and learn how to hold and swing a golf club
  • Read and watch videos about the strategy of golf
  • Practice-practice-practice 
  • Invest in yourself and your game, take lessons to assess your progress and make adjustments
  • Play some golf, make some mistakes, learn from your mistakes, adjust and improve over time

When you invest in yourself instead of investing in golf clubs you will have a much better chance of improving your game and eventually achieving that lower score you're  striving for. The timing of your success will depend on you.

Wally back to your question is SFM a scam?

An ethical Affiliate Marketer, like an ethical Golf Pro would say SFM is a proven educational platform that takes  patience, persistence and practice to learn new skills just like golf. 

To achieve success:

  • You will require patience - persistence - practice
  • Invest in yourself and dedicate the time to learn from a wealth of educational information
  • Work with mentors who know what it takes to achieve success
  • Be involved within a community of like minded entrepreneurs with abundant mindsets who are available and inspired to support you on your journey
  • Keep current with continuous changes in the online world 

The journey to become a better golfer or a successful online entrepreneur happens over time. It takes consistent action every day, and before you know it, dreams are within your grasp......and then it's time to create new ones!

Looking forward to connecting with you by video on Monday.

Bye for now!

Bob, Adrienne ...... and Wally

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People From All Walks of Life Can Do It
Why Not You?

Starting a digital business is easier than ever before. When we started, our technical knowledge was limited to pressing a button on the laptop in hopes it would start (and work)! This opportunity attracts people from all different backgrounds. You might be an employee, a business owner or a retired person. Maybe you're a doctor, lawyer, scientist, roofer, truck driver or nurse. What all of us have in common, we believe there has to be more to life.  When you sign up to the educational/training program, you will be provided a road map for starting an online business. You will be introduced to leaders with proven track records, digital entrepreneurs who know what it takes to be successful.

Take a look at the testimonials from SFM (Six Figure Mentors) members all around the world. Remember, the only thing that these people have in common is commitment and desire to change their lives for the better. You can take control of your destiny and join hundreds of people who are finding freedom and fulfillment by joining this educational/mentorship community.

Do You Have Questions About SFM (Six Figure Mentors)?

Perhaps you have been watching our videos and the message is resonating, but you are not sure what SFM entails and whether it's right for you. We are here to provide some answers to your questions.

Whatever your situation and whatever path has lead you here, we truly believe it's possible for people to realize their potential and create their ideal life. You can access a proven digital business system that provides the education and tools for success. As well, you will receive the support of an abundant thinking community. This is an opportunity that could change your life, just like it has for us and others.

Start On A New Path Today and Discover Where it Will Lead 

If you're ready to try the SFM's digital business system for yourself and see where it can take you,  click on the yellow button below to go to the application page to fill out your application. You will gain immediate access to the foundational training, get fully immersed into SFM's business platform and have a one-on-one discussion with a consultant who will help you assess your business goals.

The application process is mandatory since SFM wants to ensure the right type of people with the right kind of mindset take part in the program. The application is very straight forward.  Remember, it takes only a few clicks to cancel your membership should you decide the program or the timing isn't right for you. Your investment of $29.95 is 100% backed up by a 30-day money-back guarantee! 

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