Humour is Good For You Laugh Out Loud
Did you know humour has many benefits?
Humour can help you feel better, look better, live longer and improve leadership skills? In a Robert Half Survey, ninety-one percent of people say executives believe a sense of humour is important for career advancement. Eighty-four percent of respondents say people with a sense of humour do a better job.
We are Attracted to Humour
Ninety percent of men and eighty percent of women say a sense of humour is the most important quality in a partner?
Good Leaders Value of Humour
Humour increases productivity, people become less stressed and happier. According to our research comedy is good for the bottom line, jokes have the power to bring us together and leaders with a sense of humour are perceived as being more competent.
As recruiters we know people leave leaders, not companies. Humour helps us be better parents, better co-workers and better contributors in our communities.
Humour Improves Retention and Builds Bonds
According to Andrew Tarvin on Ted Talks, we will work 90,000 hours in a lifetime, that’s big number! According to a Gallup, we laugh a lot more on weekends than we do on week days.
Research says that humour helps people to listen better, improves long-term memory, improves communication, builds trust and brings people together. These are just a few of the benefits. It turns out humour is a very big deal.
Humour is a Choice
Ultimately though, our job satisfaction, our outlook, our way of managing stress is our responsibility and a choice we make. Humour is a choice.
Humour is All Around Us
Andrew Tarvin tells a funny story about his Grandmother who was just learning to text. He mentions to his Grandmother that he had just been working in Switzerland and the response is Dear Andrew….Switzerland ‘WTF!”
"Wow That's Fun!"
Andrew was a little taken a back by this and phones his Grandmother to ask what "WTF" means and his Grandmother said someone at Bridge told her WTF meant "Wow That’s Fun!" Andrew didn’t have the heart of tell her otherwise.
How Are You Spending Your 90,000 Working Hours?
Imagine a world where we all believed WTF meant, Wow That’s Fun! We believe the world would be a happier place. We work 90,000 hours over a lifetime. It's a big number worth thinking about.
WTF or Wow That's Fun?
When you think of the work you do and spending 90,000 hours doing it, are you thinking WTF?! .... In the traditional way or Wow That’s Fun? It’s your choice to make. We made the choice to start an online business and for us, and we think of what we do and say “Wow That’s Fun!"
Please reach out to us so we can learn what brought you to this place and how we can help you
Bye for now!
Adrienne and Bob