In an Instant Life Changed and We Were Grateful - Wake the Fun Up

In an Instant Life Changed and We Were Grateful

The Instant It Happened

Yesterday our lives changed in an instant! Those life changing moments, sneak  up when you least expect them. Moments like these really shine light on what’s really important. Yesterday  seemed like a normal day.  We worked a little in the morning, had breakfast with one of our daughters, doing errands, getting ready for a backyard dinner with friends and then it happened ……

A New Meaning of the Domino Effect

Bob and I were walking down a street in single file to give people space. Bob tripped and came crashing into me, I fell in ways I can ’t remember and landed on my face. I distinctly remember the  force that my face hit the cement. It must have been quite a sight, two old people falling like a couple of dominos to the ground.

Grateful for Compassionate Strangers

Bob was mortified, especially when he saw me lying there.  In an instant, life changed.  Preparing for dinner was no longer our top priority. We were so grateful for the compassionate group of strangers who witnessed the two human dominos. People were helpful and caring and for that, we were extremely grateful.

Grateful for Intuitive Frontline Workers

Arriving home, I realized my arm was broken. So off we went to the hospital, Bob hobbling and me with a huge icepack pressed to my face. What a sight we must have been. Arriving at the hospital, I went in the wrong door and was quickly helped by a security guard who escorted me to the right place. We realized after that he had to objectives, one to escort me, but also to check and observe the demeanour of Bob. There was immediate suspicion of domestic violence.

Grateful For People Who Have Courage to Ask Tough Questions 

This security  guard  took one look at Bob and the state he was in worrying about me, and said, your husband is a gentleman. It wasn’t until the doctor asked me directly if I was victim of domestic violence then it all made sense. I am grateful for a health care system that has people who care, are intuitive and are willing to ask the  tough questions.

Grateful For All the Smiles Behind the Masks

We are so grateful for the caring and compassionate healthcare workers. Even in these challenging times they were smiling behind their masks and did everything they could to make me more comfortable. I am grateful for our healthcare heroes.

Grateful For the Canadian Healthcare System

After x-rays, a ct scan, a tetanus shot and a lot of Tylenol and Advil, it was determined no surgery was needed for my arm or my face. I have  a broken elbow.….and as  miracles happen, I  have the type of fracture where I’m still allowed to type. I’m so grateful.

Life Can Change in an Instant and Shines Light On What We Have to Be Grateful For

It’s the middle of the night, can’t sleep. How grateful I am to be able to blog. LIfe can change in an instant. It’s the moments after those instants that have made me more grateful for our health, compassionate strangers, our frontline heroes and having the privilege to keep blogging.

Todays blog was supposed to be about our new drone we received from our kids for our birthdays….that plan sure changed in an instant!

Adrienne and Bob

Adrienne and Bob Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

Adrienne & Bob

We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.