Living the Laptop Lifestyle

Is your life everything you imagined? Are you able to do the things you want, work when you want from wherever you are in the world? A laptop lifestyle can provide this freedom if you are willing to dedicate the time and effort required to learn new skills.
Our Story
We are entrepreneurs who own a recruitment company. We worked really hard and we were tied to our business. Our only solution to getting ahead was to work harder, longer hours, our business ended up owning us. We constantly traded time for money. We saw a way to break free and it was the lessons we learned in our recruitment business that helped us to make the decision to change the course of our lives.
It doesn’t matter how skilled a person is, if his/her values don’t align with the company, an individual will not perform to his/her potential and eventually end up leaving. Values matter.
Behaviours learned in high school repeat themselves throughout a lifetime. No matter how old we become the majority of us can in a second remember our high school experience. High school contributes to shaping who we are.
One phone call can change a person's life. We understood the impact one 5 minute phone call can have on an individual as well as on family and friends.
Change is difficult, not only for the individual who is leaving the known and going to the unknown, but also for loved ones who are also impacted by change. We knew there were people far more influential than us in an individual’s life and respected that although we were speaking with this one person, many people’s voices were in his/her head. People are both simple and complex, most of us just want to be happy and loved. The journeys we take to get there can be as individual as we are.
Sometimes it’s about trusting your intuition and taking a leap of faith. None of us know what the future holds and that can be pretty scary. We've witnessed people who were paralyzed by fear and in the end chose to keep things the same, only to regret that decision when it was too late.
Lesson #6
Once people’s eyes are opened to what else is out there, that person is changed forever. Connecting with people about new opportunities was a privilege we took very seriously because we knew their perspectives would never be the same. Knowledge is a powerful change agent.
Lesson #7
When people do what they love, everybody wins. Companies grow and people’s lives are improved when the fit is right. We receive great joy when we change people’s lives with one phone call!
Decisions that Lead us to Joining the SFM/DEA Community
So you are probably wondering how all this could have possibly helped us make our decision to become digital marketers. The similarities between our executive recruitment business and our digital marketing business are remarkable. We were able to build from our previous experiences and the greatest thing, we earned as we learned.
Decision #1
In order to have success the values of the SFM/DEA communities had to align or we would not perform to the level we aspired to. We are surrounded by like-minded individuals who have helped us along our journey. We like and trust the people within the community, values matter.
Decision #2
The community is made up of people from all walks of life, from all over the world, all shaped from different experiences. We learn from one another every day. We grow and learn from people with a rich fabric of experiences.
Decision #3
We changed people’s lives with one phone call, while our life was changed after seeing one YouTube video just like the one we made. As much as the world changes, interesting how the world stays the same. How will your life change?
Decision #4
Some people thought we were crazy at our age to start something new. Yet, we knew if we kept doing the same things we still wouldn’t have the time or freedom to travel and we would be filled with regret. We have learned it's the decisions we don't have the courage to make that we regret.
Decision #5
So, we took a leap of faith, and what a leap it was! We have the privilege to help people put fun and adventure back in their lives just like we did.
Decision #6
From the very first video, we knew we wouldn’t see the world the same way. We saw the world differently - we realized we didn’t know what we didn’t know. We weren't able to put the genie back in the bottle.
Decision #7
We enjoyed being a catalyst for change in people’s lives. We had a national reach in our recruitment business, today we have a global reach and we can positively impact people’s lives from all over the world. This is truly meaningful and rewarding work.
Your Decision
This decision process worked for us, we realized just how many similarities there are between the recruitment world and the digital marketing world. We encourage you to go through your own decision making process, it’s your journey. If you are curious to learn more, check out the videos and who knows where this knowledge will take you. Remember you are not alone, you will be surrounded with a community of like minded individuals who share your values.
You can work at your own pace and earn as you learn.
Hope to meet you soon.

Adrienne & Bob
We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.