Making Money Online vs. Offline

Five Similarities Between Online and Offline Business
The concept of making money online seemed daunting at first, working in traditional business was all we knew. As executive recruiters we traded time for money and for years our income was a roller coaster of ups and downs and it was exhausting. Our business wasn’t scalable, ultimately we were the business and if we weren’t working, the work wasn’t getting done.
Our parents, our grandparents all came from traditional business. We came from generations of people who had traded time for money. It took courage to break through the barriers of tradition to do something new.
We realized as we watched the videos that offline business and online business are based on the same principles. We have made a list of things we found similar. Once we discovered this, online business made sense.
1. People want to work with people they like and trust.
As Executive Recruiters we knew a candidate was only a good fit when his/her values aligned with the company. If values were misaligned it was only a matter of time before the candidate left or was asked to leave the company. We believe our values are formed at a very young age and are a big part of us, they are our internal guide. When something or someone is misaligned with our values we can’t explain it, something doesn’t feel right. Values resonate at our very core.
In this internet driven world we are bombarded with information everyday, it’s almost a survival skill to be able to discern what is true. Often we need to sift and sort between what makes sense and what is a gimmick or a scam. After we look at information through our logical lens we trust our values to confirm if something feels right. Whether it’s offline or online it’s often about listening to our “gut” and trusting our intuition to guide us.
Offline or online we look for people who share our interests our goals and our values.
2. It’s all about relationships that are real.
Have you ever left a meeting feeling drained of energy? There is no give and take in the conversation, it’s all one-sided. My head may be nodding in agreement and my mind is elsewhere wondering when this meeting will end. Relationships that zap our energy are not sustainable, these are the relationships we may try to avoid.
With all the unsolicited information appearing in our inbox everyday do you ever wonder if people are just trying to take the easy way out? I suppose the time could be right and by some fluke we might be looking for one of the many products or services being offered.
Building relationships online takes work and a willingness to be authentic and real. There is no hiding behind an email, in videos and blogs, people gain insight into who we are, if we aren’t authentic people will move on.
Online or offline, over 75% of what we say is non-verbal. People can sense inauthenticity quickly, when people are being "fake" we notice. With online business we don’t have to endure the energy draining meetings, we just click and move on!
3. Relationships are earned.
It takes time to build a relationship. As recruiters we didn’t get a project until we had met with or spoke to a company 5 - 7 times. The relationships we built along the way mattered too, new relationships based their decisions with reference checking on the relationships we had developed in the past. In traditional business the sales process is very time consuming. It often takes many cold calls to get one meeting as well as traveling great distances, many times to get the sale ......or not.
Because it’s sometimes difficult to meet with a person you have connected with online, the relationship you build screen-to-screen is key. As recruiters we would interview people online. Similar to meeting people offline, it takes time to build trust.
The power of online, you don’t have to be physically present to earn people’s trust. Relationships are built and trust is earned through videos and blogs even when we’re sleeping. Online is efficient and productive for both the consumer and the online marketing professional. We are no longer confined to traditional business hours, we can connect with people all around the world when it fits our schedule.
Online or offline, it’s still building sustainable about relationships, without relationships, nothing happens. Online is more time efficient and scaleable. Online business can grow organically and reach the global marketplace more effectively and efficiently than offline business.
4. People want valuable information and the meaning of valuable is personal.
Have you left a situation saying “That was a total waste of time”! Sometimes in meetings in traditional business we are forced to endure, we are locked in a boardroom where escaping may be too obvious or perhaps career limiting. Time is valuable, we all want to feel like we gained something of value when we give our time. Value can take many forms, knowledge, a friendship, a new insight. We believe most of us strive to spend our time in a way that matters to ourselves, our colleagues, our friends and our families.
With so much information coming from so many directions, it’s more important than ever to discern what is valuable and what is not. Let’s face it, not everyone on the internet is honest with our best interests at heart. It is up to us to figure out what information is worthy of our time. The internet gives us the control to find the information we need, no longer are we stuck in a meeting wasting time.
Online for offline, time is a precious commodity. People provide value or we move on. This happens more quickly online than offline. The beauty of online, we can work when our schedule permits, there are no traditional office hours.
5. People want to make a difference
As Executive Recruiters we could make a person’s life better with a phone call. This phone call could have a ripple effect and change the lives of that person’s family, colleagues, friends and community. This was the most powerful and rewarding part of our career.
We made the choice after watching one video on YouTube to explore more and find out what making money online was all about. We have the opportunity to help people achieve the life they have always imagined. One video would have a ripple effect on changing a person’s life as well as the life of that person’s family, friends and community.
Winston Churchill said it best: “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Offline or online we have the privilege to give back and make a difference in people’s lives.
These Five Realizations Led Us Here
It was these five realizations that led us to Launch You We are surrounded by a global community of people we like and trust. We have built authentic relationships with people all around the world. People just like us are at different stages of their journey creating their ideal life.
We made the choice to do what it took and have the courage to break through barriers when the learning curve was steep. It is through this dedication and commitment that we have earned the trust and respect from others. We strive to treat people the way they would like to be treated by supporting other members in a way that is meaningful for them. The best part of what we do, we are making a difference in people’s lives everyday by giving them hope for a life that is closer to the one they always imagined.

Adrienne & Bob
We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.