Reflecting Back Gives Us Valuable Insight - Wake the Fun Up

Reflecting Back Gives Us Valuable Insight

What does living our best life even mean? 

Social media shows people supposedly living it every day.  People who are body beautiful on a beach somewhere, in the perfect relationship, living happily ever after.  Is this reality or is it what people want us to believe is their reality?

It Takes Courage to Stand Out From the Rest

One of the best explanations of  "best life" we found is this:

“One that encompasses reaching new levels of self awareness and self growth, that ultimately leads to taking actions that help you to discover and hone your interests, talents, and passions.”

Life is Full of Ups and Downs

Without the downs, how do we really appreciate the good times?  There is always more behind the perfect picture we see on facebook or instagram.  This definition of “living our best life” spoke to us.  We believe reaching new levels of self awareness and self growth often comes out of adversity. 

Adversity can teach us to celebrate the joyous moments

Who Are You in Adversity?

Let's go back in time ....

As recruiters, our goal is to uncover who people are in adversity.  It is in these times of adversity that values emerge.  One experience we can all relate to as a time of learning and growth is high school.  You heard us correctly….high school!  When we ask candidates to think back to  high school, high points, low points we hear great insight and very rich lessons.  They are both positive and negative that still impact people today.

Adrienne ~ Lessons Learned in High School

People will often say that’s so far back they can’t remember.  In an instant the memories come flooding back.  Try it!  I’m one of the lucky people who loved high school and have the privilege still having some of my best friends from there today.  

Painful Experience:

One very painful experience, I gossiped about my best friend and almost lost our friendship. Because of that grade 10 experience,  when someone tells me something in confidence, it stays in confidence.

Bob ~ Lessons Learned in High School

At a young age I discovered I was dyslexic.  As a result academics were challenging for me.  I had to work harder than all my friends just to get a C grade.  My hockey helped me to cope with the pressure I felt academically. 

Turning Adversity into Strength

Dyslexia never goes away,  it’s something I have learned to cope with and adapt to.  Today, I am thankful for it, in a weird way.  It forced me to develop a strong work ethic and unwavering determination.

Our "best life" is different for everyone.

Who Were You in High School?

High school is one of the first places where we grow in self awareness.  It is a time of discovery where we learn about our interests, talents and passions.  Life gets in the way and we can forget what these are.  It's later in life when we recapture what our best life looks like.

It’s different for everyone!

What's Your Best Life Look Like?

  • What were some lessons you learned in high school?
  • What were some high points, low points?
  • How have you integrated these experiences into who you are today? 

Please share your high school lessons by responding to this email.  What were your interests, talents and passions you had back then?  

This will give you insight into what your best life looks like.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Adrienne and Bob