Start an Online Business and Adapt to the Changing World - Wake the Fun Up

Start an Online Business and Adapt to the Changing World

Technological Revolution vs. Industrial Revolution

Our society is in the midst of enormous change that will cause us to approach our work day differently than we have in the past. Many professions like lawyers, accountants, still believe there is a need to work new recruits 60, 70, 80 hours a week to see what they are made of.  This is antiquated thinking.  Google and Amazon are two examples of companies providing employees flexible work hours. These companies attract top-talent from all around the world. The strategy to get promoted by being the first to arrive and the last to leave is out-dated. According to Authors Wells and Bowser The Focus Effect, Today the emphasis is on focus and productivity.

It’s About Living a Different Life

Today it’s about high performance.  We’re old enough to remember the “no pain no gain” philosophy in training and exercise. The idea was to work-out until you drop.  Remember the phrase "feel the burn".  Today, there is a shift.  It’s about training, performing, eating well, recuperating, regenerating and staying healthy on every level.  This is a much more holistic view of training and performance that considers the whole person on and off the playing field. A few days after the Super Bowl, our thoughts go to Tom Brady.  He is an example of how athletes have longer and more successful careers today because of this holistic approach. 

It’s Time for Work to Evolve too

Keeping with the sports focus, think of work as a series of sprints instead of a marathon. We  perform at the higher level, get more done in less time, and are healthier when we take time for ourselves along the way. Information is coming at us constantly.  It is becoming more essential to take back control and manage this barrage of information before it controls us.

The Impact of Constant Information 

In the book The Focus Effect, Authors Wells and Bowser say “ it is believed that the average person today is exposed to more information in one month than our great-great grandparents were exposed to in a lifetime. People are feeling burned out and today’s burnout is fuelled by anxiety. People are bombarded by so many mini-stresses it’s difficult to identify which is contributing to burnout. “It’s death by a thousand cuts, or (in today’s traditional work world) a thousand emails”.

The Millennial Generation

Some of the best and brightest employees are saying “no” to companies who don’t embrace a healthy balanced lifestyle . Flexible hours work for everyone. Employees are happier and so are their families.  Not only do flexible hours contribute to happier work places, flexible work hours affect the bottom line.

Job Satisfaction Increases With Productivity

According to authors Wells and Bowser of the Focus Effect - "When we made these changes at our company, we saw sick days decrease significantly. Employees are healthier, less stressed eating better, and better educated about how to care for themselves and maintain a lifestyle-work balance. And the best part, ​Wells and Bowser noticed people actually wanted to come to work because they were looking forward to being more productive.

Baby Boomer Mentality

Bob and are are Baby-Boomers who only knew how to work long hours.  We believed it was the only way to get ahead.  That’s the example our parents gave to us. Through our recruitment business we have seen a big shift.  Millennials want to be home for dinner and put their children to sleep. That certainly wasn’t a priority for our parents when we  were growing up.

A few of our children are millennials and they are looking for different things in their lives. They watched us all these years. They want balance and a work life that integrates their whole life. We believe Millennials are on to something!

Google Is Doing It Right

We had the privilege of visiting the Google campus last week.  It has a campus feel.  Walking and biking trails connected the buildings.  People were actively walking, riding, smiling and laughing.  It was encouraging to experience and feel the energy.  People we spoke with were helpful.  There was an energetic infectious vibe in the air.  We could feel how Google is doing it right.  

Walking the Talk

We decided we needed to make a change if we were going to create the life we had always imagined. We wanted more balance and freedom in our life. Taking it one step further than many of our children we said good-bye to the traditional office environment. Our office is where ever we want it to be.  

A Solution That Worked For Us

We found a solution that worked for us.  An educational community and program called Six Figure Mentors or SFM. We are a part of a community of people just like us looking for a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. We were introduced to a series of videos that gave us the foundation to know we could change the direction of our lives. You can check out the same videos by clicking below or on the right hand side of this blog.  When you provide your email we will send these videos immediately. 

Taking Back Control With Our Online Business

We now work on our terms with our laptops and access to the internet. Taking back control took courage.  Learning new skills has also required dedication and commitment too. Interestingly we are more focused and productive than we were before.  

Our work no longer takes a piece out of us.  It is a source of energy, inspiration and purpose. This happened when we created our online business and began working on our terms.

Perhaps this is a solution that will work for you.

Adrienne and Bob Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

Adrienne & Bob

We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.