Start an Online Business Taking One Step at a Time - Wake the Fun Up

Start an Online Business Taking One Step at a Time

Online Business is a Journey 

Can You Take One More Step?

Being at the racetrack today, we are inspired to talk about starting an online business.  It’s a journey, not a race.  In this video we’ll share what the journey has been like for us so far.

Disruption Because of Technology

When we first started we took an enormous leap of faith.   We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.  Our executive recruitment business was being disrupted by technology.  If we didn’t do something new we would be forced to stop working. The time wasn't right.  

Online Thriving Because of the Internet

Our search for something new began. We felt we didn’t have a choice, we needed to find something that was thriving as a result of the internet.  Wanting and needing to keep working, our decision was easy. 

Digital Era is All About Knowledge

The digital era is different than the industrial era.  Learning new skills everyday challenges us and keeps us current.  We are energized and we feel young.  
Every day we're inspired to work and make a difference in people's lives.

Tackling Learning Curve Step by Step

It was humbling learning how much we didn’t know.  At first this was overwhelming.  Once we decided to tackle one thing at a time, starting our online business became manageable.  We remember being told starting an online business is a journey.  Until we were in it we didn’t really get it.  

Learning Keeps Us Young

Today, just over a year later, we are in awe of what we know. Don’t get us wrong, we're still learning every day.  We do most of our work at one of the local coffee shops close to where we live. There are lots of people our age sitting doing cross word puzzles. Nothing wrong with this, just not for us.

It's a Fulfilling Journey

We are thankful to be speaking with people from all over the world every day.  Having our own online business is both exciting and fulfilling. 

The journey has been fulfilling not only because of the people we meet, but also what we have learned about ourselves.  We’re more capable technically than we ever thought possible.  

Our Business Makes Us Smile

We’re glad we tackled this journey.  We are staying current and giving our brain a workout every day.  We are energized and full of hope for a bright future.

Starting Your Online Journey

So if your business is being disrupted or you find yourself in a job where you’re feeling bored and unfulfilled, please reach out to us to talk about getting started on your online journey.

Time For Change?

Are you anxious as Sunday approaches? Are you putting in time? Do you know lots of people working to pay the bills and living for the weekends?

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Let's Chat

If the time is right please just reply to the message and we will set up a time to chat.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Bye for now!

Adrienne and Bob