The Art of Selling Online and Offline - Wake the Fun Up

The Art of Selling Online and Offline

Traditional Selling 

Think about the idea of picking up the phone and calling a stranger.  If you're like most people, the thought of this makes you nervous. Yet, lots of people earn a living making the dreaded "cold-call."

Being Sold on Someone Else's Terms

Remember a time, when you were sitting down to dinner and the phone rang? There was a person on the phone who wanting to sell you something you didn’t need or have any interest in purchasing. You were interrupted because someone wanted to sell you something on their terms. 

One-on-One and Labour Intensive

The traditional selling process is one-on-one and labour intensive. Traditional selling requires you to call someone you don’t know.  Because people don’t want or need the product, salespeople endure a lot of rejection. In the online world, the cold-call, the feeling of rejection and connecting with one person at a time, are a thing of the past.

No More Trading Time For Money

Launch You founder, Stuart Ross shares his perspective about the strategy of online selling.  Selling online is different than traditional offline selling. The customer chooses what he/she wants. 

People Choose What's Right For Them

This could include deciding to watch a video and/or subscribing to a blog or receiving information.  That’s probably why you’re here.  Online selling doesn’t fuel rejection.  It’s no longer about making one call at a time, approaching strangers or interrupting people's lives. 

Regain Your Freedom and Flexibility 

The cold call in traditional selling has been replaced by the video in online selling. When someone watches our video, we're off doing something else, or sleeping.  In traditional business we had a local and sometimes regional reach. With online selling, we reach people globally.

A Subtle Shift Makes a Big Difference

In online selling, people make the decision to engage. It’s their choice.  Effective selling online provides a solution. Perhaps to a pain or a question to a problem a person is having at that moment.  As individuals, we make the choice to engage or skip … it’s that simple. No one is invading our space.  We choose to click or we keep right on scrolling!

In “online speak” people choose to "opt-in" you "opted in" and here we are!

You’re Here For a Reason

Whatever the reason, something brought you to this place. Launch You is an educational platform and community of like-minded individuals who all became members for different reasons.  It’s a community of people who are looking for more. 

Sound like you? 

When you become a member with Six Figure Mentors, you are given the tools and education to create a video that tells your unique story to attract people just like you.  No more cold calling!   Click this link and get started today.

Please reach out by responding to this email.  

Adrienne and Bob

Adrienne and Bob Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

Adrienne & Bob

We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.