The Digital Solution – Taking the Plunge

Digital Marketing From Bricks and Mortar
The Ripple Effect of a Changing Economy
I remember 2008 when we had 10 employees and a large office that carried with it even larger monthly costs. When the economy collapsed it seemed no matter how hard we worked there was not enough revenue.
We were locked into the “bricks and mortar” era, a time when fixed expense was all we knew. Expenses continued relentlessly and revenues didn’t. We had too much office space, too many computers and too many employees. We were forced to make dramatic changes which required letting people go and dramatically reducing the size of our office. All of this was initiated by something much larger than ourselves. We had no control over the global economy, yet we were forced to let good people go. The situation caused many sleepless nights, it was disruptive for our people and their families. We endured a ripple effect of consequences that were triggered by circumstances we didn’t anticipate.
The reality of overhead, we were paying rent 24/7 when we used the office during the week about 50% of the time. Often professional offices and service businesses are an expensive space that sits empty on the weekend. Rent is consistent and revenue is not.
Hiring and Firing
When we spend time speaking with entrepreneurs invariably our conversation turns to the challenge of hiring top performers. In the “bricks and mortar” era we needed sales people making sales calls, one call at a time. In our experience only a small percentage (we estimate about 10%) of people who call themselves sales people are really good at finding leads and closing them.
The Old Way of Selling
Cold call, cold call, cold call. One call at a time - one rejection at a time. Any entry level, "hunter" sales person who entered the work place in the 70’s and 80’s had to get their business off the ground by cold calling. I don’t believe many sales people enjoyed the challenge of cold calling. I do believe the successful sales people had the discipline, courage and patience to drive new relationships into the pipeline that would result in sales. Successful sales people faced their fear of rejection every day and refused to give up.
Cost of Transportation
When I started my business career I would drive an hour into the city at 6 am, I would drive all over the place meeting potential customers and eventually have another hour commute home. This was an expensive, labour intensive way to sell. I truly traded lots of time for money.
The Digital Solution
A poor economy in the “bricks and mortar era” is far less devastating in the digital world. Income is potentially derived from all over the world, from a diverse customer base. We are no longer tied to one geographic location, the internet is our oyster.
Hiring and Firing in the Digital World
We still need the same work ethic required in the old days, success can happen with time, persistence and dedication to learning new skills. You are the master of your own destiny. We encourage you to do at least something that moves your business forward every day. You have yourself to answer to.
Long Commutes No Longer Take a Toll
We can work when we want from wherever we want, in the digital world, our offices are open 24 hours a day and overhead is minimal. Commutes are a thing of the past, grid-lock and rush hour, a distant memory.
The New Way of Selling
Cold calls are also a thing of the past, people are no longer sold, people make choices. When people hear the right message at the right time, they choose to learn more. Six Figure Mentors provides a way for people to learn new skills, skills that have the potential to give people more lifestyle choices.
Faking It Won’t Make It
Much like in years gone by, we need to be authentic and build trust. Trust is earned. We help others change their lives through hard work and dedication by introducing the concept of online affiliate marketing through Six Figure Mentors (SFM).
We have the privilege and opportunity to work differently and more efficiently as a result of the internet. You too can stop trading time for money and enter a world full of new possibilities.
Perhaps you will have the courage to try something new, leaving the traditional bricks and mortar business in your dust.
Hope to meet you soon.

Adrienne & Bob
We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.