Two Must-Haves to Be Successful Online

Without These Two Things Success Won't Happen
Thanks to all of you who answered our survey questions and set up time to speak with us. 100% of you said you want to know what it takes to be successful online. In this video we will talk about two things you need to be successful, without these two things, you simply won't be.
Do You Have What It Takes?
The number one thing that separates the “want-trepreneurs” from successful entrepreneurs is commitment. Without commitment you may be one of the many people who make excuses saying online business is a scam and doesn’t work.
Do You Want It Badly Enough?
Success doesn't happen overnight and learning new skills and different ways of thinking is challenging. Online business, like any other business takes time and a willingness to break through barriers! Starting and building an online business takes commitment and time every day.
Doing Something Every Day Isn't Always Easy
Sometimes you won’t feel like writing a blog, making a video, learning new skills. To have success, it's about committing time, doing something every day that moves you closer to your goal. Life has a way of pulling us in many directions, especially when there are other, easier demands on our time.
Overcoming Challenges is Rewarding
Although the journey hasn’t always been easy, it's been incredibly rewarding. Our business, has become part of us. When we aren’t working directly in our business we are thinking about it or talking about it. Our online business has become a passion. This also didn't happen overnight. We are amazed by the skills we have today that we didn’t have a short time ago.
You Don't Have to Learn By Yourself
The thing about online business, change is constant. It's this change that makes an online community essential for success.
Know your "WHY"
A big part of maintaining your commitment is knowing your “WHY”. Why are you willing to endure the learning curve? Is it because you want to spend more quality time with your family and friends? Is it because you want to travel more, fire your boss, work when and where you want? We believe this is all possible with an online business. Check out Simon Sinek's Ted Talk "Know Your Why?"
Our story
For us, it was the realization that our recruitment business was being disrupted by technology everyday and it wouldn’t sustain us for the longterm. Bob had a terrifying health scare and we knew we needed to create another option. Bob’s identity has always been wrapped up in our business. Creating a plan B kept us growing and it gave us peace of mind.
What about you?
There are other things that contribute to being successful online. We believe commitment, and knowing "your why", are key to success . If you’re committed to doing whatever it takes to be successful and have a good idea of why you want to commit in the first place, please reach out by responding to this email. Click here to get started.
We look forward to hearing with you.
Adrienne and Bob

Adrienne & Bob
We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.