Two Rules For Making Money Online - Wake the Fun Up

Two Rules For Making Money Online

Start the Day With Inspiration to Set Up For Success

We start our weekdays by listening to a motivational speaker, Darren Hardy, something one of my best high school friends suggested we do.  Starting our day with inspiration instead of watching the news where we hear negative things gets our day off to a positive start.  Click here for the link.

Last week Darren Hardy shared two rules for making money that really resonated with us.  

Money Making Rule Number One

1)  Find something scary to do.  Scary things pay the most.  Find something to do that most people don’t have the courage to do.

Why Do Scary Things Pay the Most?

With scary things, there is a risk of failure.  People who don’t have the courage to step outside their comfort zone may judge you.  There is risk of disappointment, rejection and feeling like you don’t fit in.   At times it feels easier to quit. 

Find something to do that most people don’t have the courage to do.

Training gives you the opportunity to learn important skills that you can use over and over.

Money Making Rule Number Two

2)  To make more money than you’ve made before, you will require training.   Darren Hardy says training is always worth the price.  Training gives you the opportunity to learn important skills that you can use over and over.  Darren Hardy says to paraphrase ~ Continue to apply these skills, that’s how you make money.

Why is Training Key to Success?

Training and mentorship provides the seeds for personal development that leads to success.

We’re Sure You Get Why This Resonated 

Starting an online business is scary and you guessed it, lots of people don’t have the courage to do it.  It also has the potential to pay much more if you’re willing to do what it takes.  This means enduring disappointment, making mistakes and tackling a steep learning curve.  

We guarantee sometimes you will tell yourself it’s easier to quit.....and then you'll be glad you kept going!

If It Was Easy Everyone Would Do It

Failure happens if you decide to quit.  If you’re willing to put in the work to change your life and have the “whatever it takes” mindset, you will achieve success.  Many people have.  You will learn skills that you can use over and over again that you can continue to apply in this digital era.

Are You Ready to Do Something Scary?

Are you ready to do something scary that lots of people don’t have the courage to do?  Do you have a “whatever it takes” mindset to learn the necessary skills for success?  If the answer is “Yes” to both these questions click here and let's get started!

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Adrienne and Bob