We Are All Heroes in Our Own Life’s Journey - Wake the Fun Up

We Are All Heroes in Our Own Life’s Journey

What’s Your Purpose in Life?

According to Psychologist Scott Allison  your purpose is to live the life of a hero.  The hero’s journey is captured in great literature and great movies.  Here are some movie clips of the hero's journey below.   They are inspirational and they brought tears to our eyes.

The hero’s journey shines a light on our life purpose in four ways. 

1) Going On a Journey

At some point in your life, you will take a journey outside your comfort zone.  A hero chooses the journey or the journey chooses the hero. This is usually due to circumstances outside our control.  In these uncertain times, we have all experienced this. 

Buckle Up!

You'll feel uncomfortable and challenged along the journey.  That’s the bad news.  The good news, experiencing your hero's journey is all part of revealing your life's purpose.

2) Overcoming Adversity is Key to Your Life Journey

Children’s Fairy Tales are early stories that prepare us for overcoming setbacks.  Remember the Three Little Pigs? They outsmarted the big bad wolf.  Disney movies are based on the hero’s journey.  Ariel, in the Little Mermaid overcomes Ursula the evil sea witch.   Ariel lives her dreams and fulfils her life's purpose.  Simba in the Lion King discovers his purpose when he defeats his evil Uncle Scar. 

3) Finding a Team of Allies

Heroes find a way to attract the right people;  friends, mentors to overcome obstacles. The goal of the journey is to transform people into a stronger people who help others as a result of surviving their own hero's journey.  Your trusted team of allies will help guide you along the path to transformation.

Anything Worth Having is Worth Working For ...

No one told us the online journey would be easy.   We were sent out of our comfort and have made mistakes along the way.  We  tackled  obstacles with the help and support of friends, members and mentors within the Six Figure Mentor (SFM) community.  

4) Giving Back

The hero’s journey is more than personal transformation.  It’s about taking "lessons learned" and making the world a better place.  Your transformation helps to transform society.  Once you've been mentored by others, you become a mentor


Six Figure Mentors believes in learning - doing - teaching.   Six Figure Mentor  members help one another.   Members "pay it forward" for all the help and guidance they receive along the way.  We are all heroes helping other heroes along the journey.  

How will your hero's journey shine light on your life's purpose?

Click here when you're ready to get out of your comfort zone and start your online journey.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Adrienne and Bob

Adrienne and Bob Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

Adrienne & Bob

We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.