Working on Our Online Business 38,000 Feet Up in the Sky - Wake the Fun Up

Working on Our Online Business 38,000 Feet Up in the Sky

This is what work looks like now

Sitting here blogging, observing people on the plane on our way back to the West Coast, I am struck by how similar we all are.  In front of me, two women are sharing a big bag of chips, I believe no one can eat just one chip and these two are confirming my theory.  I see a father walking a young son up and down the aisle, perhaps hoping he will tire and sleep for a portion of this almost 5 hour flight.  People are sleeping, reading and working in the airplane too.  For a moment in time we are all here together, a group of humans never to all be in the same place again.

Days Gone By

I’m on an airplane roll this week, who knew I had all these memories.  Maybe you remember the days when we were served food on the plane, food that was included in the cost of the flight.  I remember we could choose, beef or chicken, sometimes vegetarian.  I remember fondly the Ward Air experience, not only were we served dinner in economy, we were served dinner on china.  Knives, forks and spoons were metal, not plastic and wine was included with our meal.

I remember walking through clouds of smoke at the back of the plane, people could smoke cigarettes in designated seating areas, 38,000 feet up.  Eating peanuts on the plane came to an end in the 80’s because of allergies.  It's amazing people were allowed to smoke on the plane for as long as they were.

My Mom used to speak about dressing up for flights, it was an experience and a privilege to go on a plane.  Today, flying is almost a necessity so the novelty is gone, that’s apparent when you look around the plane to see people wearing everyday casual wear, myself included.

The Future is Here to Stay and so is Digital Marketing

What is the point of all this reminiscing about airplane days gone by?  The point is the future sneaks up on us and is here before we  know it.  All the changes mentioned above were gradual, it’s like the future lulls us into a state of complacency until before we know it, we are reflecting on days gone forever. Going back to the beginning of this blog, we all have similarities and we can see the world in similar ways.  It's in this collective experience where we seem to accept a new normal over time.

How does this relate to the Digital World?

Do you remember the days before Google or Amazon?  Do you remember going to the library to research a project?  What about when the word "google" wasn’t a verb and a noun?  What about the time when Google or Amazon wasn’t aware of your buying habits  or where you were driving your car?  That’s not that long ago. As a collective we have embraced Google and Amazon and both these companies have definitely embraced us, we decided to return the favour and embrace digital marketing.

Similar to the airplane experience, with Google and Amazon we are surrounded by the future and we are all slowly altering our habits little by little, day by day. We are slowly being lulled into the online world.  Some of us resist and some of us leap enthusiastically never to walk through traditional brick and mortar doors again. The future is here.  Two things confirm this for me, firstly, my Mom who is over 80 years old  just bought a cribbage board with no prompting from me on Amazon.  Secondly, when speaking with anyone over the age of 25, very rarely do I hear people talk about buying from a store unless it's online.  Our granddaughters, all under the age of 11 know little else than online shopping. Even groceries are bought online and delivered to the door.  I believe this trend will only accelerate over time.

Adapting to Our Changing World

We decided to embrace the changes before they continued to lull us onto a state of complacency to one day wonder what happened.  With all our similarities, our habits contribute to these changes and momentum continues to build.  We are thankful we faced our fear to learn new skills, it all started when we watched the 7 video series.  Sometimes it wasn’t easy, the benefits have far outweighed the challenges.  Our children and grandchildren enjoy hearing the old stories and they are even more intrigued when they hear about our current adventures.  We continue to be an inspiration because we had the courage to embrace the future now.  We are no longer afraid, we are facing it head on with the help of the Six Figure Mentor community, a community of like-minded individuals.  Funny as much as things change, things stay the same, we like to be surrounded by people we like and trust.

How are you adapting to your changing world?

Adrienne and Bob Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

Adrienne & Bob

We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.