You Can Start Today to Reinvent Yourself - Wake the Fun Up

You Can Start Today to Reinvent Yourself

Are you stuck in a job, commuting for hours, lost your passion? ...

Start today to reinvent yourself.

Are you trapped with no idea what you're going to do with your life for the next 30+ years?  As recruiters, we have met lots of people who over 45, felt lost and afraid.  Here are three simple steps to reinvent yourself.

Step Number One

Make the decision to change. 

Sounds simple, but unless you decide you're not willing to live the next 30+ years the way you are living now, something has to change. 

Step Number Two

Think back to when you were young and you had a goal and wouldn’t take "no" for an answer. 

You worked hard, the right people crossed your path and together you made it happen.  Ask yourself, what’s changed?  Is it me, or is it my mindset?  With the right mindset, we all have the ability to be successful in this digital economy.

Step Number Three

If it’s your mindset, change it.

Let go of the story that says you're too old to start something new after 45.  Reintroduce yourself to your younger, perhaps more adventurous you.  As Tony Robbins says it’s usually us who get in our own way.

You're Not Alone

Remember you're not alone.  You will meet people in the Six Figure Mentor (SFM) Community, who will offer support for your online journey.  Six Figure Mentors (SFM) provides tools, education from mentors who know what it takes to be successful in this digital economy. 

We look forward to joining you on the journey to create your best life.

Bye For Now!

Adrienne and Bob