Trusting Your Intuition Is More Important Than Ever! - Wake the Fun Up

Trusting Your Intuition Is More Important Than Ever!

There are Eyes and Ears Everywhere

Sometimes life gives us lessons in unusual ways. Yesterday I had a lesson about trust and privacy. In this digital era, everything we say and do can be used for good or evil.

No More Privacy in This Digital Era

Yesterday, a seemingly innocent conversation I had with my daughter in public was relayed immediately to a family member. This person didn't introduce herself, she just contacted my family member, perhaps while we were all in the same room.  It reminded me of being a kid again and being tattled on.  It was a reminder to be aware. There are ears and eyes everywhere! 

Beware of People's Intent

Unsure of the intent of this person, all we can do is learn from this situation.  This experience was a wake-up call on many levels. It’s taught me to be more aware of my surroundings. What a good reminder in this digital era to know who you can trust. Everything we say and do can be relayed, recorded or filmed. Privacy doesn’t exist anymore.

Who Do You Trust These Days?

Which leads us to the question, how do you know who to trust? You met us through a youtube video and part of you is asking yourself, are these people for real? Can they be trusted? We get it! We were sceptical at first too. There are so many “get rich schemes” out there, how do you know who to trust?

Listen to Your Intuition and Trust Yourself

The answer, trust yourself. Trust your intuition. That feeling we get in the pit of our stomachs when something doesn’t feel right is real. Trust your gut!  When we joined Six Figure Mentors we trusted our intuition. Everything was so new and scary. All we could do was trust we had made the right decision. We trusted this was the vehicle to get us to where we wanted to go.

Intuition Will Lead Us to Places We Belong

When the world was normal and we were able to travel, we attended an event where we met people within the Six Figure Mentor community. We met people who were just like us. People with courage to learn new skills and chart their own course. The people we met trusted themselves or they wouldn’t have been there. Our intuition lead us to a community where we fit and continue to feel like we belong. We are thankful we trusted our intuition.

Be Aware of People With the Wrong Intent

In this digital era, although you may not be able to trust the person sitting next to you, you can alway trust yourself. Intuition doesn’t lie, Trust that voice inside you that says this is real. When we met the leaders at Six Figure Mentors, we knew in our gut they could be trusted. Our values aligned. Starting and running your own online business requires trust …. and a leap of faith it will get you where you want to go. 

Your Intuition Has Your Best Interests at Heart

Trust your intuition. Your intuition, unlike that person sitting next to us will always have your best interests at heart. Six Figure Mentors will provide the education and training necessary for you to become a successful digital entrepreneur. What does your intuition say about that?!

Please reach out to us anytime by responding to this email.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Adrienne and Bob

Adrienne and Bob Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

Adrienne & Bob

We are digital entrepreneurs who took a courageous leap to start our online business. We have owned an executive recruitment company for over twenty years. The industry is being rapidly disrupted by technology. As a result of the skills we have learned our recruitment business is 100% virtual. Both of our businesses allow us flexibility to work when and where we want and do the things we enjoy.